Tuesday, June 20, 2006

In The Beginning......

what it is world? you're probably asking yourself "qui ca?", "who/what the f**k is Nou La Productions?", right? Though we'd love to wet your palates with the goodness that is NL, we gotta keep you waiting just a little bit longer, seen? please.....don't despair. soon come mi bredren an mi sistren.......you'll feel the love (errr.....or wrath, depending on what we poly'n on). But don't get mad mates......in time we'll be bringing clips from our upcoming flick, music videos, interviews, plus victories and vice galore aka a peek into the lives of Nou La (with our opinions on everything from globalism to the V.I.P room we snuck into the other night). Enjoy the ride. Expect the unexpected. Yup, get excited. We a run big tings fa true. "Qui ca???" "Nou La". Seen......


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