Wednesday, January 10, 2007

I Remember Way Back When (and Everybody Say).......

back in the summer of ' 88, i was rocking pigtails, still screamed with excitement over Fraggle Rock, and idolized my uncle Derrick with a passion! Check it: he was sixteen and cool as shit: he had a dope flat top a la Kane with a blond streak set dead in the middle a la Kwame (it was cool then, okay?!!)

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It wasn't quite "the bone age" in Jackson, Mississippi (where Derrick and my Pops are from), but D was definitely a trendsetter in his high school.

More importantly, he was bumping THIS dude HARD that summer; at 5, i knew all the words to "Children's Story" backwards and forwards.....still it was really THIS song and video that changed everything for me.

"Here's an oldie but goodie!!"

Visions of Ricky D in all that gold with the eyepatch and all the fly girlies wining in ripped denim were almost too much for my little mind to wrap around! I wanted to BE all a' them too.....well, not necessarily Slick Rick persay....but a dope emcee and a fly girlie all wrapped into one!

till next time children! "get ahead and accomplish things," "don't disrespect ya mummy," AND "scream whoopee-do/go for yours cause dreams come true!"

j. m. kitt


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