Musica Mi Gente!
G'day to all two of ya's (hi mom, hi dad)! I'd like to take a break this rainy foggy Monday morning (at least that's what it looks like in Sugar Hill) from bashing and/or praising individuals who shall at this point continue to remain nameless due to a plethora of reasons (oh you know all the "itys" .....liability, confidentiality,, i don't think that's a word. but you smell me?)
I wanna throw a little salt in the wound today (tee hee!) and speak on one of my OTHER interests (besides film).....that interest being: MUSIC, as in.....not my own. Yes indeedy, here's a short list of what 1/2 of Nola Darling (that would be me speaking about myself in third persn) is bumping in her sound system, stereo, and uh...JBL speakers.

I gotta speak on Lily Allen! Homegirl's killing it right now- check out her cover story in Missbehave! Haven't heard the mixtapes but I just got her British debut "Alright, Still" a few days ago and although at times in gets a bit monotonous( it's like, we get it already!! She's a cheeky White girl who wears Bamboo, loads of gold, flyy trainers, and cusses a lot), she's definitely got some charisma and a point of view....clearly a bit of a badass) Gotta respect her hustle for that! Plus "Smile", "LDN", and "Littlest Things" are hot tunes....that i will be singing with certain Wankstas in mind!

Kudu! Oh snap......I just recently came up on game when i was at Mixtape Riot at the Canal Room. Never heard the music before that night, but i went home with a sampler and i was hooked. Lead songstress Sylvia is is her is the video for "Playing House" (my jam!). Hell yeah...i'm digging those shits! Also met Trevor Andrew that night and he gave Kudu mad kudos....check out their album "Death of the Party"......go buy it on iTunes or something. I think I should too.....

but this dude right herrre! Sir Samuel is a favorite of my dad's and more recently, mine. A member of the Saian Supa Crew from France, Sir Samuel's 2005 album "Vize Pli O" is on that Hip Hop Roots Dancehall Ragga supa dupa irie tip with bangers like "Blackadee" and "Blaspheme" ! And i love it! My dude raps, chants, and sings.....he's ill. I don't know what he's talking about....but i know it's deep. That's all there is to it.

And then there's this guy: Serge Gainsbourg. He looks kinda sketchy right? Well, i guess you can stand to be a bit scandalous if you bag dimes like Jane Birkin (she's a bit sketchy in this pic too, huh?). That would be Jane in the BIRKIN bag from Hermes. Yes, they named it after her. She was that fly. Anywayz, i've actually been listening to this crazy Serge Gainsbourg dub album (Mauvaises Nouvelles Des Etoiles)! Like, he's just talking over some Reggae's bananas, but entertaining.

Last but not least....J Davey. Their debut on Warner Brothers isn't out yet....but you check out their myspace page or website ( to hear their shit....that's what I do. I also had the pleasure of sitting down with the duo last month to talk shop and can confirm that they are as cool and real as they sound......and check out that "Mister Mister" vido on youtube....HOT!
i likey....hopefully you likey....if not, i don't care.....(awww....but you should really least give it a chance)
ya girl friday
junior m. kitt
G'day to all two of ya's (hi mom, hi dad)! I'd like to take a break this rainy foggy Monday morning (at least that's what it looks like in Sugar Hill) from bashing and/or praising individuals who shall at this point continue to remain nameless due to a plethora of reasons (oh you know all the "itys" .....liability, confidentiality,, i don't think that's a word. but you smell me?)
I wanna throw a little salt in the wound today (tee hee!) and speak on one of my OTHER interests (besides film).....that interest being: MUSIC, as in.....not my own. Yes indeedy, here's a short list of what 1/2 of Nola Darling (that would be me speaking about myself in third persn) is bumping in her sound system, stereo, and uh...JBL speakers.

I gotta speak on Lily Allen! Homegirl's killing it right now- check out her cover story in Missbehave! Haven't heard the mixtapes but I just got her British debut "Alright, Still" a few days ago and although at times in gets a bit monotonous( it's like, we get it already!! She's a cheeky White girl who wears Bamboo, loads of gold, flyy trainers, and cusses a lot), she's definitely got some charisma and a point of view....clearly a bit of a badass) Gotta respect her hustle for that! Plus "Smile", "LDN", and "Littlest Things" are hot tunes....that i will be singing with certain Wankstas in mind!

Kudu! Oh snap......I just recently came up on game when i was at Mixtape Riot at the Canal Room. Never heard the music before that night, but i went home with a sampler and i was hooked. Lead songstress Sylvia is is her is the video for "Playing House" (my jam!). Hell yeah...i'm digging those shits! Also met Trevor Andrew that night and he gave Kudu mad kudos....check out their album "Death of the Party"......go buy it on iTunes or something. I think I should too.....

but this dude right herrre! Sir Samuel is a favorite of my dad's and more recently, mine. A member of the Saian Supa Crew from France, Sir Samuel's 2005 album "Vize Pli O" is on that Hip Hop Roots Dancehall Ragga supa dupa irie tip with bangers like "Blackadee" and "Blaspheme" ! And i love it! My dude raps, chants, and sings.....he's ill. I don't know what he's talking about....but i know it's deep. That's all there is to it.

And then there's this guy: Serge Gainsbourg. He looks kinda sketchy right? Well, i guess you can stand to be a bit scandalous if you bag dimes like Jane Birkin (she's a bit sketchy in this pic too, huh?). That would be Jane in the BIRKIN bag from Hermes. Yes, they named it after her. She was that fly. Anywayz, i've actually been listening to this crazy Serge Gainsbourg dub album (Mauvaises Nouvelles Des Etoiles)! Like, he's just talking over some Reggae's bananas, but entertaining.

Last but not least....J Davey. Their debut on Warner Brothers isn't out yet....but you check out their myspace page or website ( to hear their shit....that's what I do. I also had the pleasure of sitting down with the duo last month to talk shop and can confirm that they are as cool and real as they sound......and check out that "Mister Mister" vido on youtube....HOT!
i likey....hopefully you likey....if not, i don't care.....(awww....but you should really least give it a chance)
ya girl friday
junior m. kitt
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